

Jackie Woolston



Year of Birth





Canjilon New Mexico



Short Bio

My mother is a 60 year denture wearer, 1990 denture adhesives added Zinc for “better grip”. Chronic Zinc overdose leads to Copper deficiency, leads to a host of Dementia symptoms: plus lowered immunity, leads to chronic diarrhea potentially due to Salmonella/bacterial(balanced Copper  kills viruses and keeps bacterial infection from going crazy in the gut/blood stream by way of macrophages), leads to alpha-synuclein/Lewy bodies… and now she is diagnosed with “runaway train Parkinsons”. Mayo clinic claims “Copper Deficiency is REVERSIBLE” in its Dementia impacts…Yet no one seems to be testing for zinc overload or copper deficiency in denture wearers before they put patients on “drugs” that cause IRREVERSIBLE damage. I am betting a lot of elderly folks with high denture adhesive zinc/copper deficiencies are misdiagnosed with Parkinsons. I love my mom and want to try to save her life before the Lorazepam give her permanent damage. Looking for a reliable Copper test and a way to lower Zinc and balance Cu/Zn properly. My father died a horrid death years ago with “Runaway Train Parkinsons”, His exposure was to Thiram, a widely used agricultural fungicide/metal chelator. Again Copper Deficiency driving “Parkinsons”…with no Copper testing! Thiramis sprayed heavily on grains and legumes, these are not washed prior to processing/ingestion, Thiram may be a very serious driver for Parkinsons…? Glaring need for COPPER/ZINC testing! 

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How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PD?

Mother diagnosed a couple months ago…now in Hospice Care heavily drugged…and very likely misdiagnosed! I apologize if I have "violated" terms of use…I tried to read them but got the "404" page.

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