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  • Success increasing with stem cell treatment & manital

    Posted by Suz on June 18, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    My sister has had Parkinson’s for 32 years. Presumably from Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam with the Red Cross. She’s been on practically everything out there over time, including DBS placement. I’m her caretaker/P.O.A. Sadly, she’s now in a memory care facility, stage 5, fading fast.<div>

    A friend, John, was diagnosed about a yr. ago. He & wife chose to try stem cell treatment & manital (some sort of sugar?) Other things too, like Brain 770, which reportedly decalcifies the pineal gland. His wife researches like crazy. Over time, I see many positive upticks with John’s neurology symptoms. He’s walking better, speaks a bit louder, is getting up earlier, is coming out on his own again, is cooking again, etc. Much more energized.

    Stem cell is not covered by Medicare at this point.

    They paid about $12K, having a nasal spray treatment. Don’t know how many treatments were done/ covered by that amount. Stemedix is one company that does this.


    RCH replied 2 weeks, 1 day ago 9 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Mari

    June 21, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    I’m sad to hear about your sister’s placement in a care facility–it makes me angry that her PD is linked to Agent Orange–I know you equally feel her pain.

    I’m also considering stem cell therapy and I appreciate you mentioning how your friend has fared and the name of the clinic that administered it. I believe the substance you referred to is Mannitol–a diuretic, and from what I gather, Brain 770 is an herbal supplement, supposedly good for the pineal gland, whatever that is. (I’ll look it up later. Ha!)

    • Steve Stephens

      September 4, 2024 at 1:44 am

      I had stem cell therapy 11 year ago and it helped relieve many of my symptoms. The clinic I went to was in San Diego harvested the stem cells from my fat. Mannitol has been used to reduce brain swelling as a result of injury. Their reasoning is by dehydrating the brain when they are ready to administer the stem cells the brain after some dehydration will such up the IV fluid containing the stem cells(my layman’s terms) and also injections in an area of the nose (no pain) we’re done all with the hopes of getting some of the stem cells past te blood brain barrier. I am having another treatment as my PD is progressing and this time it will be in Chicago. I’m praying for great results again.

      • therunt

        January 30, 2025 at 7:18 am

        Hi Steve – great to hear you received benefit from autogulous stem cell treatment 11 years ago! Would you mind sharing where in Chicago you will be going for further stem cell treatment? Thanks!

  • abbycat

    June 25, 2024 at 4:57 pm

    The ingredients in the supplement that was mentioned are:

    • Pine Pollen
    • Papaya (Serrspeptase)
    • Black walnut hull
    • Rhodiola Rosea
    • Saffron (Crocus Sativa)
  • Kenneth

    September 2, 2024 at 12:23 am

    I’m sorry to hear about your sister. It’s encouraging to hear positive results from stem cell treatments and other approaches like mannitol. It’s not easy navigating these options. Also, this might offer gentle exercises for maintaining mobility.

  • jerjer

    September 3, 2024 at 7:05 pm

    Beware! Brain 770, Melatonin and such–beware of herbal supplements & their claims to help or cure P.D. or anything for that matter. There is no regulation of the supplement industry by the FDA. The supplement industry is powerful and put a lot of money in the pockets of politicians so that they would not require that the FDA regulate the supplement industry. These companies prey upon us, and they have gotten rich off of us because we are desperate to relieve our symptoms. If you must buy a supplement only purchase if it has the USP label on the bottle. A few supplement companies voluntarily self-regulate their products, providing some assurance that what is on the label is actually in the bottle; they carry the USP label. The USP label will be in a circle with “USP” in the middle. Many supplements do not accurately report what is in their products, some claimed ingredients are not present, are dangerous, worthless, contaminated or unsanitary. Check the Science Based Medicine web site for credible science based information.

  • Charles H Levin

    September 5, 2024 at 2:15 pm

    So sorry to hear about your sister … My understanding of stem cell treatments is that they’re not yet approved by the FDA, and while these providers’ offices are located in the US, the treatments are done outside the border … I looked into one that’s championed by actor Ed Begley Jr. It was done in Tijuana and cost $12K. They made it clear that while it might relieve symptoms, it was not a cure.

    Re: Mannitol … Totally bogus … If people think they’re symptoms have cleared up, it’s due to Placebo Effect, that is, the deep-seeded belief that the treatment will help, thus causing the brain to release dopamine … which obviously will bring some symptomatic relief … Also, the one clinical trial I followed with Mannitol in Israel, showed no helpful impact …

    To piggyback on a previous comment, supplements are not regulated by FDA, so there’s no way to know what you’re getting without consulting your doctor … there are some that are helpful … talk to your neurologist …


  • RCH

    January 30, 2025 at 3:00 pm

    I have been talking to stemedix concerning treatment for Parkinson’s.. they now offer intrathecal injection. Total cost is around 100K.

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